Independent Reviews with Trustpilot for Sinclair & Rush.
As an addition to our existing review system found in the Testimonials section of the website, Sinclair & Rush now have a live account with Trustpilot for independent reviews. We invite all of our customers, new and old to share their experiences and comment on both service and products. We know that the only way we can improve and keep service levels high is to listen to feedback.
Trustpilot have invested in the integrity of the platform and actively monitor the activity of both business and the reviewers to keep the content genuine and trustworthy, for more information on this, CLICK HERE
It is always nice to hear and share positive reviews from customers that have appreciated the service received, but just important is honest feedback on what we are not doing so well. We are not afraid to address adversity and make the necessary changes to improve. We believe that this is how we will develop a true culture focused on the customer experience.
Simply click on the Trustpilot counter at the bottom of any page to view or leave reviews.
"As the Customer Service Manager, it is a priority of mine to hear what our customers have to say. This is another way for people to share their experiences with us, so I welcome it with open arms." Natalie, Customer Service Manager