Here at Sinclair & Rush, we strive to recognise outstanding achievement amongst our staff, particularly through our annual Sales Person of the Year Awards. Our sales team are at the heart of our company, continually working to build strong and lasting relationships with our customers through expert advice and project management.
We’re thrilled to announce that 2017’s Sales Person of the Year is Patrick Zeller. Patrick was congratulated on his achievement with a certificate and a brand new Apple watch by Paul Gardner (Managing Director) and James Gardner (General Manager). We caught up with him after the ceremony to hear what he had to say…
How do you feel to have finished as top seller for the year?
I am surprised and happy. I feel honoured to gain so much attention and I am very appreciative of it. To me, everyone in the team was a top seller this year because everyone gave their all and worked so hard.
What has been your proudest achievement of the past 12 months?
That I overachieved by 19%, and that I closed 10 top prospects for the second time in my 10 years with Sinclair & Rush.
How have you managed to out-sell your colleagues?
I owe this, I guess, to the great relationships that I have with my customers and the new relationships that I build and strengthened and of course the new projects that closed this year.
Is there a particular product that has been the focus for you this year?
Yes, it is and always has been our dip moulded PVC products.
What has been your favourite project?
All projects are my favourites! To me, it is the urge to help people find a perfect solution that is the most important thing.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in sales?
You need a lot of hope, self-confidence and stamina. Let your prospects know you are trying to work with them as a team that involves cooperation, communication, understanding, respect, consideration, sometimes patience.
How are you going to stay top in the new financial year?
By doing what I have been doing for the last 10years. I don’t mess around with the formula, if it gives the result you want. I don’t fix what is not broken!
What have you done with all of the bonus money you have earned?
I was able to use some of that money to finally go and see my big family in the Philippines again, after 28years. It was just simply amazing and unbelievable to see all of my family again after such a long time and to treat them whilst I was on my visit. In addition, I was able to also have a nice, breath-taking vacation in Singapore, a balloon ride high above the ground and a great experience in close up at the Beauty and the Beast Musical Event.